Sam I Am

We do so love that Sam I am – A blog about the joys of toddlerhood

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And then he was three


Our baby is three. How on earth did that happen? This hilarious, curious, precocious and completely precious little boy of ours has become a proper little boy. He makes us laugh, melts our hearts and tries our patience :) And we love him for it. Here’s an little peak into his world….

When I asked him this morning what he wants to be when he grows up, he replied without a moments pause, “A paleontologist”. Seriously. This kid could tell you the difference between a diplodocus and a brachiosaurus. It’s ridiculous.

When he wants to get up to no good, like eating a giant spoon of peanut butter straight out of the jar, he puts his hand up and says to be me, “It’s ok Mom, you just go and make breakfast.” And he has no idea he’s totally giving himself away :)

His favourite thing to do with his little brother is take both of Tom’s hands and bounce them up and down while chanting “joy, joy, joy”. Melt.

He really, really likes yoga and whispers “Namaste” with his hands in the prayer position with total sincerity at the end of every class.

He requests dance parties almost every night after dinner and shows us the “new moves he dreamed up in the night”. Spinning one arm round and round is the latest. It’s awesome.

He says “Oh thanks Mom/Dad” without being prompted. Quite proud of that really.

And on the night of his birthday when he was too excited to fall asleep and his Dad had already read just about every book in his room, I went in, turned off to the light and lay down with him. He eventually snuggled down and stopped talking a mile a minute. Then he leaned over, kissed me on the lips and whispered “I love you”. I nearly died. Seriously.

We love you too little boo. Happy Birthday. You’re the most terrific little boy we could ever have hoped for.

A few pics from his birthday week…


It’s hard to see and we forgot to take a photo before devouring it, but that’s a T-Rex cake. And it even sort of resembled a T-Rex :)


Marking his height on the growth chart. He’d been looking forward to this for weeks before the big day.


Before and After shots of our family trip to an activity centre nearby on the day. He had a blast. Oh and Dad was bitten on the thumb by a pig named Norman which meant a trip to the doctor for a tetanus shot on the way home. Sam thought it was all quite thrilling. Dad won’t be forgetting this day anytime soon :)

see saw

Riding the see-saw with one of his gifts. If he actually does become a paleontologist, I’ll frame this for his office one day :)